Online Design Consultation

Not sure where to start? Book a free 30 minute design consultation to discuss your project.

Design Consultation: $350

Our 2 hour design consultation takes place at your home or business where we discuss the project scope, timeline, budget, design process and vision you have for your space.  This is the first phase for those wanting to use our full design services or a stand-alone service for those who want to take our ideas and implement them on their own. This meeting may include suggestions for the following:

  • Paint color & wall coverings

  • Overall design direction

  • Spacial & furniture layouts

  • Lighting placement

  • Accessories & styling

After the meeting, you'll receive a formal proposal which identifies the specific goals for your project, project milestones, and more about how we work. If you move forward and book a full services package, the design consultation fee will be waived. If you decide you would rather take the project on yourself we will send you the detailed notes of the consultation so that you can use to begin the project yourself.